See what happens when self-interest and complacency take charge. Anna Maria Aitcheson and Dirc Starkey ride roughshod over ordinary people in their quests for personal glory and each other’s bodies. They destroy dreams and shatter aspirations without a second thought. That is until one stormy day when an inoffensive little woman decides to fight back…
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From the shattered streets of postwar London to the crumbling grandeur of a decaying mansion overlooking a West Country town; from a remote village with a quirky inhabitant to a fetid wintry dock where a broken man contemplates suicide, ‘Stella and Rose’ is a collection of short stories, of redemption, of hope, and also of consequence.
The title story, ‘Stella and Rose’, tells the story of two sisters struggling to survive in postwar London, and the unusual approach that one of them takes to achieve it.
‘The Painted Door’ is a tongue-in-cheek tale of two handymen – father and son – and the opportunity of a lifetime. The third story, ‘Why Me?’, on the face of it, is about a man taking a stroll with his dogs on the common one night – but there is much more to it than that. ‘Out of the Ashes’ begins with a man who has lost everything standing in despair on a wintry dock, contemplating a cold, watery end. The final tale, ‘Rutter’s Rescue’ is a Rutter story. There are four novels about Detective Chief Inspector Julie Rutter. This is an addition to that canon.
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This edition of ‘The Author’s Manual’ expands greatly on the original to include detailed instructions on how to create a Kindle ebook and paperback, using Kindle Create, as well as producing epubs and paperbacks with Word, Atlantis and Sigil, all to professional standards. It is a simple, step by step guide for new authors finding their way in the world of self-publishing. It also explains the process of publishing the completed book, makes useful suggestions on how best to promote it and details the royalties process. It is, put simply, an ‘Author’s Manual’. It is written with publication on the Kindle and printed books in mind, but can be used elsewhere as well. Thoroughly revised and updated.
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Find The Author’s Manual at Apple, Kobo, Nook, Scribd etc.

Set during World War ll, follow the fortunes of two people who would never have met had their nations not been at war. Bruno Haslinger is an Austrian graduate at the outset, intent on working in education as a linguist. Instead, his fluency with the English language finds him inducted into the Abwehr, the Nazi Intelligence service, and despatched to Northern England on a secret mission. Alice Dodds is a farmer’s daughter in Northumberland. She is the first British person that he encounters on landing. They share a brief bus ride, but the foundations of something much greater are laid in those pivotal few minutes.
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