Monthly Archives: September 2021

50,000 WORDS

To be precise, the total now stands at 50,031 words, and the last one written was ‘cryptographers’, which is a much more interesting word than the banal conjunctions, prepositions and pronouns that usually claim these distinctions.

A New Allegiance now tips the scales at 170 pages,

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40,000 and still going

A New Allegiance clocked up its 40,000th word this morning. I don’t know what that word was, but the 40,086th was willpower. As ever, that is unlikely to remain the case because the work will be revised, edited and redrafted repeatedly before it is ready for publication.

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As mentioned in the previous post, which was incorrectly entitled ‘First Landmark’ (it was actually the second – sorry), the new book is intended to be in two parts. This is something that I have done a couple of times before in my ‘Rutter Books’ series. ‘Rutter’s Revoilt’ and ‘The Secret Angels’

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