60,000 WORDS. 202 PAGES

I reached a landmark this morning when I passed the 60,000 word point. The 60,000th word was ‘which’, but the actual total now stands at 60,009, the last of which is a rather more interesting ‘submerged’.

More significantly, it means that I have definitely passed the halfway mark. All of the major characters have been introduced and most of them developed to some degree. One was introduced and then disappeared, but he will be brought back later. The sequence of events is well under way and, although we are not yet homing in on the climax, things are beginning to show signs of heading in that direction.

So, how much remains to be written? A hundred pages, easily. Probably many more.It is conceivable that this will end up at 400+ pages, but that is not graven in stone. The current page count is 202. Bearing in mind that one page in the Master Draft corresonds, roughly, to one page in the printed edition, it is a fairly reliable guide.

As I mentioned in a previous post, this book is set during World War ll, but it is not a war story. The conflict is very much in the background. Instead, it is the story of two people, Bruno and Alice, from very different backgrounds. Meanwhile, in the background, the Battle of Britain is about to begin and the story is picking up pace.

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